Are You Happy?
Are you happy?
My dad asked me this yesterday. An easy, genuine question with no catch.
My answer? Yes, I am happy.
Here's the thing though, yes is the easy answer to a question that isn't so easy.
I am happy but,
Am I constantly questioning where I want to be? Yes.
Am I always weighing the variety of options at my fingertips in regards to what to do next? Yes.
Am I surrounded by a group of amazing people doing amazing things who in turn are constantly inspiring me and driving me to want to do amazing things also? Yes.
Am I often wondering if I should be doing more, whatever that "more" may be. Am I wondering if I should be pushing my self harder or challenging myself more? Yes, yes and yes.
Am I grateful for what I have done, will do, have had, currently have, and will have? A million times yes.
So, yes is the easy answer to a question I find a little bit complex. Because I am happy, but I am also a little uncomfortable. I am happy but I am also curious. I am happy but also weighing my options. I am happy, but I am still looking to grow and change. I am happy, but I do not want to become complacent. I am happy but I am still figuring out how to navigate this life of mine.
But aren't we all?
I guess that this simple question, "are you happy," made me realize that happiness doesn't have to be an emotion that is felt on it's own. You can be happy amongst other feelings. You can be happy but also unsure. You can be happy but also confused.You can be happy but also strive for change. You can be happy but not stagnant.
So yes, I am happy and I hope that you can answer the same way.