This week's goal


It's Monday. A perfect day to set a goal and make a plan. I know that my body feels 1000% better (and I feel 1000% better in my own skin) when I keep it moving, so why is it so hard to get on a consistent, or even semi consistent routine? I've struggled the last few months to get back into a routine but today I am setting a goal for the week to hopefully help me get back on track, fitness wise. The goal is simple, be active, in some way, for five days straight. Simply move and sweat once a day, Monday-Friday. Seems simple enough. If only I could live out my Bali fitness routine every day forever: morning yoga followed by afternoon surfs. That is my dream routine. However a flat summer lake does not allow for such routine so I need to find a routine that is just as dreamy (okay, it won't live up to daily yoga and surfing, but I'll do my best!)

Today started with a simple work out on my deck in the sun. I have to say working out outside with the fresh air and sunlight is much more enjoyable than in a basement. I think I will give myself bonus points this week for out side exercise, after all a bit of sunshine never fails to make me happy! So today, in the afternoon sun, I did a little Tabata style circut and some free weight exercises.  It was short and sweet, but in my head a quick sweat is better than no sweat! 

So here is to this weeks simple, obtainable goal: get sweaty 5 days straight!