#JustStaySustainable Challenge

January has been for prepping. Looking forward, the next few months with be go go go so, I decided to take this month to get my life in order in order to set myself up for success when my time becomes more limited.

The biggest task on the list of things to tackle? The disaster that was my closet. I’m going to be honest, it was a project I have been putting off for months. It was such a mess and so unorganized that it felt like an impossible project to tackle. I finally did it though, I wrote it in my planner (trying to get in the habit of really using my planner efficiently. If it’s in the planner it needs to get done) and tackled it. I ended up purging and donating close to half of my wardrobe and it feels AMAZING. I felt so amazing after purging and reorganizing that I have started to do the same with the rest of my space. 

This purge has opened my eyes to the fact that I have so much I don’t need. It has made me want to be more intentional about what I bring into my space because A. I want to stay organized and B. because I always want to be focusing on sustainability and this is a great way too. 

How does this help with sustainability? Well, knowing what I have means not buying something only to realize I have almost the same thing stashed in a pile somewhere. By being more intentional about what comes in I am able to focus more on quality items, things that will have a long life and things that actually serve me a purpose. This all means consuming less. 

Consuming less is something that can take some real intentionality and effort to execute. It takes preparation and forethought. All this thinking about what I have, what I don’t need, and what I am consuming has lead me to think up a little challenge for myself-

the #JustStaySustainable Challenge

#JustStaySustainable Challenge with Just Stay Stoked- A 1 week challenge in consuming consciously

What does it entail?

The goal is to go a whole week being exceptionally conscious of what I am consuming and the waste I am creating. I want to create as little waste as possible.


To really see where I can make improvements and to help me focus in on the impact that I, as an individual, have. We each make more of an impact than we know and I want to look more closely into mine. 

How am I tracking my challenge?

Each piece of waste I produce will be collected. I’ve seen lots of zero waste bloggers who are able to collect the waste they produce to just a mason jar. I’m going to try and roll with that idea. I’m going to use this a way to think hard before making a purchase or consuming something by reminding myself it has to go into the jar. 

What Do You Consume? #JustStaySustainable Challenge with Just Stay Stoked- A 1 week challenge in consuming consciously.

Will I be perfect at this? Nope.

Will I continue to do this as a lifestyle? Probably not this intensely, but what this will do is help me remember why the extra effort is necessary to be more sustainable. 

I’m starting my challenge next week on Feb. 3, 2020. I’ll post updates on my Instagram and will be doing a full recap here on the blog after the week is up (be sure to subscribe to my newsletter, here, to know when it goes up!) I’d love if you joined me in my challenge! If you do, share it with the tag #juststaysustainable so I can follow along!