Conscious Changes

Here is something that I know- I know that when popping up on a surfboard your hands should press flat on the board, near your rib cage. They shouldn't grip on the rails, edges, of the board because doing so makes it incredibly easy to tip the board to one side or the other and therefore throws your balance off center. 


I know this, yet for some reason during Sunday's surf session I noticed myself struggling to pop up. After each attempted wave I noticed that my hands were gripping the rails as I tried to get to my feet. When I gripped the rails, I threw my weight to one side or the other making it so I couldn't easily pop to my feet. I made this mistake over and over, only observing it and thinking about it after I failed to make it up to my feet. Then, I decided to try something else. I decided to paddle into my next wave and while doing so the only thing I would focus on would be the placement of my hands. I would consciously and presently focus on planting my hands flat on my board right near my ribs. And you know what happened when I did that? I popped right up and had my smoothest little ride of the day. 

One little, conscious change can make such a huge difference and I think it is important to realize how that is so true in our everyday lives as well. When we focus our intentions on the present and actively making a change we will see results. If we only focus on a change that needs to be made after each time we fail then we will continue to fail. Instead, let's allow ourselves fail. From that failure we can take a look at what should be done differently and then the next time we can actively think about those changes and actions we need to pursue and put into action in real, present time instead of when it is too late.