6 Reasons Why I Workout
Working out and I have had a bit of a rollercoaster relationship in the past, but in the last 9 months or so it has become a much more consistent relationship. Through this consistency, I've realized a handful of reasons why I continue to work out; ways that go beyond changing my physical appearance or the number on a scale. Knowing your "why" and keeping it at the forefront of your mind is so important when it comes to being successful in any area of your life.
So, without rambling on much more, here are 6 reasons why I work out.
1. Getting your sweat on is a great way to clear your head.
When you are doing a really hard workout, I'm looking at you Shaun T, the only way to get through it is to focus only on exactly what you are doing. I feel like I don't have the mental capacity to focus on powering though 15 more seconds of burpees while also stressing about my to do list, so I push the to do list out of my head and get to forget about it for a little while.
2. Working out is a way for me to get inspired.
Okay, I get this may seem a little contradictory to reason #1, but let me explain. I tend to come up with some great ideas when I am working out! Depending on the workout, I'll take a quick minute during a rest to jot the idea down in the notes on my phone or I will brain dump the idea right after a work out. Prime example- Most of this post was thought up while I was on my yoga mat, breathing my way through some chaturangas.
3. Working out provides me with a great confidence boost.
I feel a million times better about myself when I am on a consistent workout schedule. I feel strong, productive, energized, and more comfortable in my own skin.
4. Getting a workout in is a great way to kickstart other healthy habits.
Good habits lead to more good habits. If I am feeling great and on top of the world from working out I am so much more likely to make healthier food choices and hit my daily water intake goals. Doing these things keep the post workout, good feelings going while also help me excel in my future workouts. A win, win situation.
Yummy Buddha Bowl
5. Working out makes my life easier in airports.
I know, this one seems strange and unrelated, but hear me out. I work out so that when I travel I can carry my own luggage, so I can stand in customs lines for hours if needed with my backpack strapped to my back, so I can lift my carry on up into the overhead bins, and so I can run through the airport to catch my flight without wanting to completely collapse to the floor during a short layover. These are all real life scenarios that become easier when I have been taking care of myself and giving my body the exercise time it needs!
6. Piggy backing of of #5, I work out so that I can feel happy, healthy, and confident in myself while wandering for miles and exploring through the streets of new cities.
One of my favorite ways to explore a new city is to just get out and walk. I work out so that I can wander the canals of Amsterdam for 8+ miles without feeling like I need to stop and recover before moving on.
Wandering the Canals of Amsterdam
Ultimately, I have finally realized that going for a run, doing some HIIT, or getting on my yoga mat leads to me feeling better in so many other areas of my life, many of which are not exclusively tied to working out.
So there you have it. A little bit of my "why" behind working out. What is your why? What reasons keep you motivated and inspired to keep your body moving even on the days you feel less than excited about it?