2019 Goals
New Year's Eve has come and gone, which means it's officially 2019. The beginning of the year is everyone's favorite time to set some goals, myself included. I think that goals are beneficial in helping start the year out in a positive and motivated way while also leading into the next 365 days with great intentions. I've made quite the list of goals for myself this year in the realms of travel, money, and pretty much any facet of my life. I figured I would share some of my simple general goals, the ones that I am focusing on to be able to feel like the best version of myself.
More Books
I am going to read two books a month this year, one personal development and one other random book of my choice.
Keep Moving My Body
I feel so much better physically (be it my neck, knees, back...) when I keep my body moving regularly. My body does not like when I am stagnant too much so I will be very conscious of continuing to keep my body happy and moving.
Less Meat
I have yet to commit to going fully vegetarian, but I am going to cut back on the amount of meat I consume. In reality, I don't eat too much meat as is, but I still want to try to substitute where I can.
Less Waste
I am going to continue to be more conscious of the waste I am creating. Less plastic, not using more paper towel than needed, not taking more napkins than needed at restaurants, eating more fresh foods to avoid packaging. There are so many little things that can be done to reduce waste and I am going to focus on the little changes that can help make a larger impact.
Continue to Pursue Things That Make Me Happy
During the second half of 2018, I started to make more of a conscious effort to fill my time with things that truly make me happy. To expand on this, I am going to continue to do this while focusing less about what others may think. If it makes me happy, I am doing it regardless of someone else's opinion.
I think create is my word of the year. I am going to continue to create physical things like stories, photos, doodles, paintings but I am also going to create in a mental sense. I am going to focus on creating a life that is fulfilling, meaningful, and makes me happy.
2018 was an incredible year, here is to making a 2019 that is just as great, if not better!