Tips for Staying in a Sunny State of Mind


It feels too early to be saying this, but I will be the first to admit that with the increasing number of gray skies and the days getting shorter I feel myself already falling into a little bit if a funk. I thrive off of sunshine and warm weather and that's not exactly a year round thing in the Midwest, so I am compiling a little list of things that can help me stay in a sunny state of mind, and hopefully can help you too, as we move into the colder months.


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Vitamin D

Last year after returning home from Madagascar and then not being able to keep myself healthy my chiropractor recommended I start to take a Vitamin D supplement. I think it's time to add it back into my life to help keep my immune system nice and healthy!

Tropical scents

My shampoo and conditioner smell like sunscreen and my deodorant is coconut scented. I have surf wax scented air fresheners in my car. I find that filling my space (and hair) with scents that remind me of warmer days helps keep me feeling in a sunny state of mind. 

Moving my body

It's good for my mental state and my physical state and I've been slacking the last few weeks. Cooler weather makes me want to just curl up and be lazy. Time to kick my butt back into gear. 

Moving my body is one of the main ways to keep a sunny state of mind.

Holding on to my summer wardrobe

I refuse to put away my Birkenstocks yet, even if it means they are accompanied by a sweatshirt, a sweater, and a beanie. I tend to try and keep the Birks out until December. 

I refuse to put away the sandals

Work on finding balance

When I find myself in a funk I tend to do one of two things, shut down or over schedule myself. I either curl up in bed and let the funk win or I over fill my to do list and schedule to the brim to try to avoid the funk. I'm working to try and find a happy medium between the two. The ideal situation would be get out, be busy and get things done, but also allow myself the down time to compose my thoughts and give myself a break.