So I'm Going to Run a 5K

At the beginning of the year one of the things I put on my list of goals was to run a 5k. Honestly, I kind of just threw it on the list but never revisited it until Sunday night when my mom found a turkey trot in the Florida Keys, our annual Thanksgiving location. I agreed, so 3 weeks from today I'm going to run my first 5k.

I know it may seen small, but I have never run three miles in my life. I normally max out at 1.5 miles ish. Oh, and that's on a treadmill, outside is a different story. 

A scenic photo of me "running" on a secret beach in Bali. A little prettier to look at compared to my current running conditions- a super old treadmill tucked into the corner of the basement.

A scenic photo of me "running" on a secret beach in Bali. A little prettier to look at compared to my current running conditions- a super old treadmill tucked into the corner of the basement.


I used to claim that I hated running, but in the last year or so I've found a pretty neutral relationship with it. I've come to realize that I "hated" it mainly just because it was hard. Being able to recognize this has helped me find a better relationship with running.  

This turkey trot is the perfect motivation to get my body moving over the next three weeks. My goal is to RUN as much of this 5k as I can.

I'm pretty pumped about this little race! 

Make sure to follow my on Instagram for a peak at me getting into a consistent running routine, and getting outside to run, in prep for the turkey trot!