Rad Reads: "Girl, Stop Apologizing"

Alright ladies, if you are doubting your power, if you have a dream, big or small, but are too scared to take the first leap, then this one is for you!


Rachel Hollis sure knows how to make you feel like a bad ass and how to make you want to jump up and get to work on your goals immediately. Now, before we get too far into this I have a confession to make, I wasn’t super into Girl, Wash Your Face. 


I know, I know. I didn’t not like it, and I totally see why it is so impactful to other women, but I just couldn’t really resonate with it. Girl, Stop Apologizing though, that book lit a little fire in me. 

As the name implies, the book is about living your life unapologetically for yourself. It’s about how to go after your dreams and reach your goals while not letting others opinions discourage you because like Rach always reminds us, other peoples opinions of you are none of your business. 

I love Rachel Hollis’s writing style because the book reads like a conversation with a close friend who isn't afraid to show a little tough love and keep it real with you. Her words are pretty simple and straight forward which makes it easy to absorb all the goodness. And there is a lot. I have become one of those people who underline phrases that stand out to me in books, and I did a lot of underlining in this one! Here are just a couple of the great things that stood out to me: 

"You aren't going to find the time to pursue your goals; you're going to make time to pursue your goals." Page 20.


"Who you are is defined by the next decision you make, not the last one." Page 166.

"...You can choose your attitude, your focus, and your intentions for any situation, no matter what it is. That choice is often the difference between joy and suffering." Page 199.


"When your light shines brighter, others won't be harmed by the glare; they'll be encouraged to become a more luminescent version of themselves." Page 204.

Long story short, if you need a little tough love, someone to help you realize that you are more than worthy of anything your head and heart desire, or a little help establishing a plan of how to reach your goal then Girl, Stop Apologizing is for you.