Moving Back to "Normal"

Life in a lot of ways feels back to normal. I’ve been working, I’ve been consistent here on the blog, I get to enjoy my people.

It’s funny though because it feels like as soon as everything started shifting to normalcy it shifted again right away. The dance season is ending leading to another gap of time to fill, but I guess in way that really is my normal. My normal for the last handful of years has consisted of piecing together my little collection of seasonal jobs.

I can say, I’m glad that the shift towards past normalcy hasn’t come full force and I’m glad it’s been a little slower for me. Jumping back into one job instead of three has helped me be able to transition into old ways while maintaining some of the good habits I am coming out of quarantine with. We all have had a whole lot of time to think and reflect this year and for me it’s helped me to dial in where I want to steer myself next. I have an idea and it’s one that feel so right. With this slower transition, I’m finding it makes it easier to incorporate steps in the right direction, I can be a bit selfish in the actions and activities that are filling my time.

Lake Michigan Sunrise Surf

I’m staying consistent with writing. I’m reading more. I’m stepping out of my comfort zone and taking chances on the big projects I have dreamed up in my head. I’m making time for watching the sunrise at the beach, I’m playing on any little bumps on the lake I can try to surf and I’m making time to go to the workout classes that I love.

I’m guess I’m finding balance. Quarantine helped me really dive in and remember or recognize the things that fuel me and that are important to me. It has also made me realize that plans change, there’s only so much we each can control so, why wait for anything? Start now. The only right time is now. You never hear someone say they are going to start something right tomorrow or right next month. The only time that we put right in front of is now. Right now.

One of my words for this year is intentional and I can proudly say that intentionality is playing a very key role in my life right now. My days are being intentionally filled with things that make me happy, be that in my work or in my personal life. I’m being more intentional about following the things that spark interest with me- I’m exploring those things and learning about them. I’m being intentional about not squandering my own big dreams and ideas. I have a lot of them and instead of writing them off I’m saying well let’s see how this could go.

Normal is different, but it is also feels familiar enough to act as a bit of a security blanket to clutch on to when moving forward and navigating newness feels scary.

I guess all this is to say, the world is crazy. This year is crazy. Even amongst all the change and uncertainty and feelings of overwhelm, I’m pretty happy with where I’m sitting right now. I hope you can say the same. I hope you are able to find the good in where you are. I hope you can see the opportunities that are open to you, even if they seem small or just out of reach, and you grab for them. We can all use some light and I hope that each day you try to find the light that is still out there and shine your light for those around you.