A Sea of Glass
On our last day of Spring Break, my parents and I took a nice long beach walk to look for shells. While we did find lots of shells we also found lots of glass. Once we returned back from the walk I jotted some thoughts down into my phone, some of it just a reminder to myself to be more conscious. With Earth Day recently coming and going and recently having my own little beach clean up I figured it was a good time to share my little iPhone rambling.
Shells: One of Natures Best Treasures
A day of shelling. Collecting equal parts glass to shells. I'd like to think Hurricane Irma and her destruction are to thank, that it is her debris. In reality though, I know the large chunks of green glass are more likely to be from someone's improperly disposed of Heineken bottle. Plastic may be a massive problem that our waters and beaches are facing, but it is not the only one. Trash is trash. Throw our garbage in a trash can, not wherever is convenient. Recycle. Pass on a plastic bag when you only have an item or two, or bring a bag. Take a day and consciously observe how many single use plastic items you use in a day, then try to see where you can cut back. Keep your trash with you until you can find a trash can. Pick up any trash you see, even if it isn't yours. Take 3 for the sea.
Every little bit makes a difference. A bunch of small changes eventually add up to a big change.